Emotional baggage: inside the toxic work environment at Away
theverge.comNEVER add the boss to the vent channel!!!!!
NEVER add the boss to the vent channel!!!!!
I didn't see any sort of a conclusion to this debacle until now, so
Submitted by neku in technology
Submitted by neku in vote_satan (edited )
The stock market is good
Submitted by devtesla in killallgames
I know Natalie is a well known figure among these parts, but reading about her
Submitted by devtesla in technology
haha you have to order lunch in person
Submitted by hollyhoppet in killallgames (edited )
lmao at the guy on the iss playing switch. Their dramatizations of people playing the
Submitted by neku in vote_satan
we live in hell
Submitted by devtesla in technology
Submitted by hollyhoppet in vote_satan
a while ago i was astonished by how popular this stuff was/is and couldn't
Submitted by Moonside in technology
Lmao didn't know Branson was involved in this. Also pivot to cargo? Like how
Submitted by devtesla in technology
my favorite moment of the billionaire fight so far
Submitted by mallaidh in technology
www.theverge.com/2018/2/6/16976906/apple-homepod-review-smart-speaker https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/2/14/17012382/apple-homepod-white-ring-wooden-table-staining-issue-problem it just works
www.vice.com/en_us/article/5dmayn/games-marketing-toxic-gamer-culture-online-xbox-live-dreamcast) * [Why Half-Life’s City 17 was pivotal to gaming’s post-Soviet obsession](https://www.theverge.com/2020/3/25/21190794/half-life-alyx-city-17-post-soviet-architecture-gaming) * [INDIE GAME DEV: DEATH LOOPS](https://www.derekyu.com/makegames/deathloops.html) * [ There’s Something Hiding in Petscop](https://egmnow.com
inherent design of the site, so section 230 doesn't "protect" it,](https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/14/23216386/omegle-lawsuit-section-230-district-ruling) which on face value i wanna agree with, but then it skirts closely to FOSTA-SESTA. which, to quote
interpersonal relations e: sorry for times link I forgot their paywall was fucking stupid. alternative post https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/13/23793428/microsoft-aptos-new-default-font-office-365
Submitted by emma in technology (edited )
about this](https://www.jstpst.net/f/just_post/7835/comment/15008)) and now they're apparently [talking about chromeos-ifying it entirely](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/27/23775117/microsoft-windows-11-cloud-consumer-strategy). i could go on and on, but the trend is clear: everything that is holy will
Submitted by neku in technology
order to get cash from chumps lastpass is [making itself useless](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/16/22285531/lastpass-free-tier-mobile-computer-device-premium-family) so i need to find a new password manager. what do you use and why do you like it? thanks