nomorepie wrote
That is weird as fuck I'm sorry
nomorepie wrote
Reply to you are going to drink raw eggs out of a pitcher like the warriors of yore by WRETCHEDSORCERESS
nomorepie wrote
God willing. 🙏🏼
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in Prediction by cute_spider
Trump unintentionally ends the concept of citizenship, becoming the hero of anarcho-marxists worldwide
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
It's a Sugondese expression
nomorepie wrote
Reply to You could talk to your neighbors by twovests
My neighbours are all old ladies who are gossiping behind my back :(
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
This was a candy in Wonka's factory! What da hell
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
I am so lucky that none of my posts went viral on there like that fr
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in chob hat for chobs by flabberghaster
I'm not telling you!
nomorepie wrote
Reply to coming out post by hollyhoppet
There are dozens of us. Here on this forum even
nomorepie wrote
Reply to chob hat for chobs by flabberghaster
I shan't comment what I thought.
nomorepie wrote
Longest sigh ever. I am tumblr
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in what posting vibes do you think you embody? by flabberghaster
Yes! I hope you won't take this the wrong way but I saw someone post on the reddit just post a few days ago, very ornate and well thought out and esoteric posts, and I was like, is that twovests?? Turned out to be someone else alas, a few out there are still carrying the just post torch!!
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by oneviolence in An admirable thing about the US... by nomorepie
Which is your favourite museum you visited?
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in An admirable thing about the US... by nomorepie
Well sure, I don't know why I had this impression, maybe I was thinking of the UK? Sorry everyone... And I had wrote museums specifically because I saw this post that was like, you don't wanna go to target to shop, you just want to look at things, go to a museum instead. And I was like huh. Were it that going to a museum was cheaper than buying a few knick-knacks here ... Public parks are another topic, which are wonderful ofc :)) in this area my country is doing okay since there are a lot of well maintained and singposted hiking trails. Even if we lack the geographical and biodiversity of the US
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in a quesadilla is just a shovel for sour cream by hollyhoppet
Evil John Lennon imagine life with no sour cream...
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in thinking back to how my dad always used to love to order quesadillas but he'd pronounce it "quay-sa-dealy-ahs" by flabberghaster
There is something to be said about how being dead smooths out your edges like nothing else
nomorepie wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by nomorepie in thinking back to how my dad always used to love to order quesadillas but he'd pronounce it "quay-sa-dealy-ahs" by flabberghaster
My mom and I just reminisced yesterday about how my dad sometimes called foods by overly formal names like he was ordering at the restaurant, it was a peculiarity of his that I always thought was kind of putting on airs but I'm thinking on it fondly now
nomorepie wrote
Reply to thinking back to how my dad always used to love to order quesadillas but he'd pronounce it "quay-sa-dealy-ahs" by flabberghaster
Average Midwest dad moment
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in Suggestions to get rid of pent up aggression/energy/frustration? by nomorepie
This is very true in may case
nomorepie OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Suggestions to get rid of pent up aggression/energy/frustration? by nomorepie
Ah, thank you. I was fearing that. I walk a lot but I don't think it's enough anymore..
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Tired of matching up socks? Throw them all away. Start new, buying one and only one type of sock. Order in bulk! by twovests
This unfortunately did not work for me, I have two socks of the same material and style that I bought at the same time, but due to the uneven frequency of wearing and washing them, they ended up being different textures, and then I lost one half of a pair and couldn't use the remaining half with the other pair :(
nomorepie wrote
Reply to you could wake up at 5am by oolong
I frequently do! And then I go back to sleep for a few more hours lol