
missingno wrote

Reply to gahhhhh by Dogmantra

I had a phone interview a little while ago that I thought went well. They said they'd email me more details, I never heard anything at all.


missingno wrote

  1. Vampire Savior, because you can pick B.B Hood, hit people with a picnic basket, and then make them eat their apples.

  2. Boktai 2, on original hardware for the full experience.

  3. Skullgirls, you already know I'm legally obligated to shill this game at all opportunities.

  4. Crypt of the Necrodancer, because Danny Baranowsky.

  5. Splatoon 2, くコ:彡

  6. BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, CAN'T ESCAPE FROM CROSSING FATE.


missingno wrote

When I was younger, I liked to overtrain my Pokémon until they stopped listening to my every command. You could do this in older games and risk the consequences.

No you can't. Only traded Pokemon disobey, anything you caught will always obey regardless of level or badges.


missingno wrote (edited )

While I can see why some of y'all party poopers hate fun, I still think there's plenty of cool stuff that's come out of this holiday. The Bad Website always does some surprisingly good things for one day a year, Button, Robin, and Place were all great. Posting rainbows on Discord is just silly fun. And the best one I saw this year was VA-11 Hall-A Kids, announce an absurd obviously fake spinoff and then the joke is that it's not fake and you can go download it right now (disclaimer: I haven't gotten around to playing it yet though so idk if it's as good as just reading the press release was).

Interactivity is the key to April Fool's Day. Give people something fun to play with!