cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote (edited )
I really like the new canon where it sounds like Mega Man's brains are not electrical circuits but are instead a pair of gears.
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
OH also those boss fights look hype so I'm with you, looks fun.
devtesla wrote
I want to believe
missingno wrote
it's by capcom
it's guaranteed to be bad
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Yo monster hunter world kicked ass
So did mega man 10 but that’s a bit older
hollyhoppet OP wrote
also why you gotta rain on my parade like that that ain't cool ;_;
devtesla wrote
mn is weird and bad about videogames lol
capcom is good now, like the fighting game team has issues but the rest of the company has been putting out a bunch of good games.
voxpoplar wrote
a weapon to surpass double gear