hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Mod Announcement: despite his many crimes and incitement to commit crimes, Alex Jones is NOT welcome to post at /f/just_crime by flabberghaster
god imagine having the opportunity to crouton alex jones
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in the worst part about being an admin account is i could remove any flair on any post and my lizard brain is constantly like "ooh button" by hollyhoppet
eh too much effort
hollyhoppet wrote
my professional opinion after being an app developer for fifteen years is only install an app if you see actual value or utility (or fun i suppose) in it. and even if you do install it, don't trust it because you've likely entered whatever bs user funnel they've concocted to guide your engagement to somehow getting them more money.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to just deleted my twitters :) by twovests
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in the worst part about being an admin account is i could remove any flair on any post and my lizard brain is constantly like "ooh button" by hollyhoppet
hovering my mouse pointer over the x button and going "i'm not clicking you, i'm not clicking you"
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to as a fellow creator of an internet platform that might be used to distribute wallpapers, i pledge to always drive >195 mph in a 35 zone in order to promote jstpst or any other brands by 500poundsofnothing
i don't think i like being called a brand lmao
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to induction stoves are complete dog shit by emma
thank you for warning us of the tragedy of the induction stovetop
hollyhoppet wrote
omg did they fix nitter???
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in the worst part about being an admin account is i could remove any flair on any post and my lizard brain is constantly like "ooh button" by hollyhoppet
i'll never know......
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by emma in the worst part about being an admin account is i could remove any flair on any post and my lizard brain is constantly like "ooh button" by hollyhoppet
i lay awake at night and ponder the button. what would happen if i clicked it? i will never know for sure. this is the cross i bear.
hollyhoppet wrote
fwiw there's gonna be tariffs but i imagine the elon musks of the world will talk trump down to making an exclusion on computer stuff because there's just so much money in that sector. remember he doesn't want to go on some (a)moral crusade he just wants to be popular with his rich buddies
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in the council will hear your petition now by hollyhoppet
there's an "image" button above the title textbox now you can click on
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Lot of people have started floating Gruesome Newsome to be the next avatar of the democratic party. by flabberghaster
a cavalcade of ghouls
hollyhoppet wrote
of course i do!
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by nitori in post by hollyhoppet
you must post
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to NIPS and TITS were two big computer science conferences, and real people would argue "There is nothing sexist about those names," and then still expect to take you seriously as a person whose only job was thinking. by twovests
i wonder how many women said "there's nothing sexist about those names" lol
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in I'm going to hide the jstpst.net gitlab repo for a little while while I'm on the hunt for jobs by hollyhoppet
lmao i guess i can unsticky this since twovests manages all the code now and i don't know where they keep it or even if any modifications are being applied to vanilla postmill anymore
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Spirited Away is fantastic! Takeaways from my first Ghibli movie by twovests
and those kids will love it!
hollyhoppet wrote
studio ghibli films have really solid dubs tbh. also good first film from them to watch tbh
also for possibly comparable studios, if lieu of "auteurs," i'd say disney movies in japan are more hugely popular than ghibli movies in the states. that's probably in part due to the power of the american entertainment exporting machine lol
hollyhoppet wrote
it could be better so far!!
hollyhoppet OP wrote
to all you naysayers: devtesla remembers and that's all that matters toe me
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in when you kiss someone, the two of you briefly form one long interconnected tube, from asshole to asshole. by cowloom
i’m sorry but we must take every post very seriously
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in when you kiss someone, the two of you briefly form one long interconnected tube, from asshole to asshole. by cowloom
and thus gen alpha was to become known as the fart kisser generation
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
kind of impressed we got on the radar of disney of all groups but sorry spammers get croutoned no matter who they are