hollyhoppet admin wrote (edited )
as the wheel of time turns so too does the rate of spammers ebb and flow. like the tides they will fade ere long
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Raziel Making Chocolate Pudding at 4AM by devtesla
this is like... perfect lmao
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to horrifying thought by devtesla
if that happens then we ride to battle
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to bootleg juicero by emma
god if only there was a device that actually let us turn fruits into juice
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to First-Person Tetris by voxpoplar
mmmm delicious motion sickness lmao
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in btw 𒐫 is a cuneiform numeral for 9 by hollyhoppet
Ok maybe i worded that a little too generously but one of their stated goals is to support the scientific community, including people studying ancient languages. Like sure there are corporate entities on their voting board, but the unicode consortium is a non-profit and provides an essential set of standards that make managing text on computer way easier than the bad old days.
Like come on, get off my case.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in btw 𒐫 is a cuneiform numeral for 9 by hollyhoppet
one of the goals of unicode is to represent all forms of human writing both present and past as a means of preserving history
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to 𒐫Hey look at this unicode character I just found I think every post should just be this from now on!𒐫 by 500poundsofnothing
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to twilight princess hd review by emma
i can't say i can agree with any of these sentiments and i love twilight princess but i understand and respect where you're coming from have a nice day
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to computer student in the 1995: "Wow! My professor brought in an IBM 3340 Direct Access Storage Facility disk from 1975! It was HUGE!" computer student student in 2022: "My professor brought in a flashdrive from 2002 and it was not surprising at all actually" by twovests
i bought a 128mb flash drive in 2002 and it was $50 in 2002 money or $83.00 today money
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I’m new here! A bunch of albums i like 🙂🎶 by __1
hello and welcome and happy new year
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Outer Wilds (40% off). This is an extremely good videogame. It is best played with no knowledge about it. (Even the Steam page is spoilers IMO!) by twovests
God I wish i could erase my memories about that game and play it again lol.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to has anyone ever actually had fruitcake? by twovests
yes and i really don't like it lol
but some people do!
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in i have a cold by hollyhoppet
thank you mr president
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to chainsaw man is so good by hollyhoppet
so many genders in that show
hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to [banned lol] Carbon Fiber Car Parts by exoticcargear
this spammer has been banned but the post will remain for public haranguing
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to musk is worse at moderation than i was when i was 10 and i'm not exaggerating or joking by twovests
inb4 "no girls allowed"
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to It's Thursday by flabberghaster
drink hot cocoa
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by emma in my favorite jokes are ones that go "mens 9-in-1: shampoo body-wash conditioner toothpaste coconut oil" and then continues, listing varying conceptually-incompatible liquids by twovests
in the winter i prefer freshly brewed, nice and hot
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Why are we getting so much more spam of late? by flabberghaster