hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in like an absolute fool, I haven't posted about the adventure game NORCO yet by devtesla
i don't know why i have to do that first but that's just how my brain is i guess
hollyhoppet wrote
i really gotta check out norco but i gotta finish chapter five of kentucky route zero first i think. maybe i'll do that this week
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in litany against arguing online by hollyhoppet
not really the energy i was going for lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Siphonophores, Drifting Colonies of Life by skookin
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Odilia Screen Reader by Seirdy
Welcome. Also yeah I've heard the linux screen reader situation leaves much to be desired lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I'm fiancé by devtesla
aaaaa yay!!!
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I'm fiancé by devtesla
that's cute
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to freeze peacj by twovests
it's not free speech if you don't have to listen to me
-- a right wing person
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to freeze peacj by twovests
i keep hearing about this grape freezing strategy... really need to try it
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Wendy's Training Video Hot Drinks by hollyhoppet
this must be why so many americans don't care for tea
hollyhoppet wrote
this is a pretty impressive word salad
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in [Admin note: this article is reactionary garbage and the user has been banned] Why We Don't have Enough Free Speech on the Internet by LG836
appreciating transparency: not freeze peachy
saying you can't say something negative about someone calling you out on your bullshit: very bad freeze peachy
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Reflections after a day of disabling javascript by hollyhoppet
my only problem with it is all the times are in UTC with the javascript off but it's still good i agree
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in [Admin note: this article is reactionary garbage and the user has been banned] Why We Don't have Enough Free Speech on the Internet by LG836
i had them on watch after their previous post but i have decided this was solid enough shitbag evidence
hollyhoppet admin wrote (edited )
Reply to [Admin note: this article is reactionary garbage and the user has been banned] Why We Don't have Enough Free Speech on the Internet by LG836
That's one weird possible dogwhistle too many and no interaction with other users. Ban time.
I'm going to leave this post up unless someone wants it deleted, just for paper trail's sake. Or in case anyone wants to do some dunking
hollyhoppet wrote
but he's already gay
hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by twovests in i've started disabling javascript by default in my browser and enabling on a domain basis by hollyhoppet
i'm using the firefox extension "disable javascript." which lets you do allowlisting or denylisting, whichever flavor you prefer. it's open sauce in case you want to look at the code or even compile it yourself
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in good luck hoppet by toasthaste
oh lol you were correct! i had six hours of job interviews yesterday so my brain has been majorly fried lol
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in good luck hoppet by toasthaste
trying to lol. have had two "actually we're not hiring you after all"s happen to me
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to asbestos fibre gummies by oolong
i mean it's not getting into your lungs so it's probably fine right?
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in litany against arguing online by hollyhoppet
well then this post is for you!