
hollyhoppet OP wrote

while i really don't like discord as a company i think it's important to remember that the perceived barrier to entry is way smaller than irc for non-technical people. i can't tell you how many times in the IRC's heyday people expressed not wanting to join because IRC seemed difficult to use for them.

i honestly feel like IRC and its successors (discord, slack, matrix to a degree) are major internet infrastructure, and there should be a more accessible version of it that isn't owned by a corporation but we don't really have that.


hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )

getting laid off during a concussion has hit me p hard. been feeling more lows than highs, but i'm hanging in there. making music and playing games and waiting to get either approved or denied for unemployment


hollyhoppet OP wrote

Wizard of Earthsea if you want a good fantasy story with good morals. And then from there its sequels are also great.

The Dispossessed if you want an exploration of what a fully anarchist society might be like, and how it would related to a capitalist one. I hear the other stuff from that loosely related collection of books (the Hainish cycle) are also quite good.

Haven't read any of her nonfiction.


hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

it's definitely more work but i've gone all open source on my password management and use a keepass database i share between computers using syncthing. keepass also has a mobile app that i believe lets you sync the database from a pc but i haven't tried that out yet

anyway if you don't mind some extra effort and feel technically savvy enough i thought i'd just throw it out there as an option