
flabberghaster OP wrote

Well like if you get severe burns over a large part of your body, it will "heal" in that it'll scar over, but it won't be normal skin. A potion of healing will make it normal skin.

I'm not sure, to /u/nomorepie's point, if that means say, if you have a scar, if it would cause that to undo. I think that's kind of the whole ballgame here.


flabberghaster wrote

I think you should not give these casinos one red cent, you're not gonna beat the house. Everyone who gambles thinks they might, and if they were right, there would be no casinos.

If you gamble, go in expecting to lose. If you're doing it for fun, then have fun. But you're giving money to some of the worst and most rapaciously exploitative businesses in America.


flabberghaster wrote

My understanding is you don't get actually paid out until you wager a certain amount that's much much higher. Like you bet five dollars and get two hundred, but to be eligible you have to bet like a thousand dollars total.

That's what they said on a podcast, or what I took from what that podcast.

Not an expert.