
flabberghaster wrote

Sorry i didn't mean to do the thing where you restate someone's OP. It's osmething i've been thinking about for a while and it seemed like a good time to express it, thank you for giving me a chance to do so


flabberghaster wrote (edited )

If you describe the process of building a phone in fantasy terms you can see that it kind of is a sort of dark magic.

Thousands of slaves spend their days digging up the earth to produce a tiny quantity of rare metals and elements. These are etched into intricate runes by automatons, themselves built by scholars and technicians that have spent their lives studying these secrets.

Legions of our brightest minds spend their days writing incantations that allow these rune devices to perform new tasks, and sometimes, subtly alter the way those who use them think so they spend more time looking at them. Sometimes, people stare too long at them and lose their grip on reality.

I really believe if you described what smart phones are to a medieval peasant they think you lived in a horrible and profane empire under the control of dark wizards that create lovecratian madness runes. And they'd be right.


flabberghaster OP wrote

I'm being a little hyperbolic but I've really been struggling, and sort of stewing and mad all the time, about the genocide against Palestine, about the abandonment of caring about the ongoing pandemic and treating it as a past tense thing, about the ongoing climate Apocalypse and failure to mitigate it, about the fact that every time I'm driving or walking around town I see a new place that a homeless encampment has been destroyed and all the trees cut down to stop them from being able to come back, about all the gestapo shit going on at the border and in our cities, and I want to do something, but I don't know what to do about any of it, anything I can think of doing seems so pathetic in the face of the scale of any of these problems, and how can anyone see any of these things and not want to do something but yet half of what you hear day to day is people cheering on this cruelty and inhumanity and callous disregard, and I just want to scream and cry and shake everyone by the shoulders and say how can we let this go on like this!!!!