Submitted by flabberghaster in hobchat (edited )

The Grasshopper's Folly Inn in the settlement of Palmer is unusually busy this day. A town this size in this part of the Wisconsin Wilderness doesn't usually see a new face every more than every couple weeks, but it's absolutely packed today. Several groups of dusty travellers huddle together at their tables, speaking tensely with each other as they try to figure out their next moves.

At the bar, Katherine, a very antsy juicer, is trying hard to catch a buzz, but not having any luck. A dozen empty bottles sit around her on the table and they're not doing their job at all, thanks to her newly augmented metabolism. She's getting impatient; Being in peak physical condition isn't all candy and roses, it seems. A few stools away, quietly sipping a drink sits Tarragon, keeping to herself and observing the bar.

Dougy Setterman is new in town too, a Dogboy who recently quit his job when he found out his old boss was an evil criminal and he'd been helping hurt people all along, and set out on his own to find a new line of work. Looking to make new friends, and curious about these dusty travellers, he barges up to one of the tables and introduces him to the family. "Hey what are you guys talking about?" he booms affably.

The family seems relieved. It's nice to see a friendly face in trying times like these. They tell Dougy about a recent sharp increase in bandit raids recently. This area used to be pretty safe under the protection of the nearby town of Port Stevens. They used to have a city guard that patrolled the area dealing with miscreants, but no one has heard from the town in a few weeks, and the bandit problem has gotten extreme. The family says they agreed to wait for their aunt and uncle to finish closing down their farm before they all leave the area for a few weeks to stay with family, hoping this all blows over soon.

Dougy, incredibly moved by this, is unable to contain himself, sobbing and offering comfort to these poor souls. He immediately offers this family tearful hugs and swears he'll do ANYTHING he can help them return home and starts canvassing the bar looking for people to help him deal with these bastards who are scaring his new friends, and introduces himself to Taragon and Katherine.

The three of them all agree to help, and the family tells them where their farm house is, about fifteen miles away, and the group decides to head out that way and look for some clues.

The three set forth. Tarragon hops on her hovercycle, Dougy gets on his dirt bike, and he offers to let Katherine ride his mountain bike, and with her incredible juicer speed, she's able to easily keep up as the three make good time towards the farm house.

They don't have to search long. As they arrive at the farm, they see there's already three armed men positioned around the main house, yelling taunts at some people barricaded inside. Outisde with them is what looks like a Coalition Skelebot, but for some reason it has a bow instead of a gun; not standard issue at all.

Acting quickly, the group decides to try a ruse. They'll claim to be on the side of these three and find out what information they'll give them. Katherine does the talking, and says they were sent as reinforcements. The men are suspicious, but Dougy has a plan. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his hand, pretending to hold something, and says "here this'll explain everything!"

One of the men reach out for him to give it to him, and Dougy grabs his hand and tries to put him in an arm bar, but he completely biffs it and the men level their guns at the group.

A fight ensues, but the group of men see things are not going their way, and their leader surrenders, raises his hands, and says "STOP STOP STOP we give up, let's talk, it doesn't have to go this way."

Tube in next week for the next thrilling episode



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cowloom wrote

Good job writing this! I'm looking forward to next week's episode


flabberghaster OP wrote

I'm GMing a rifts campaign and this is a session diary, most of the writing was done by the players i'm just committing it to paper :)