
flabberghaster wrote

Reply to comment by oolong in washing machine broke :c by oolong

The wringer itself is not too big, it disassembles and you can store it. But you need to have something to mount it to in order to use it and it's pretty big when its in use because it has to sit over a bucket or something

I would say the wringer itself is maybe a foot tall and two/three feet wide? But with the bucket and the handle attached much bigger.


flabberghaster wrote

A couple years back I bought a wash board and a wringer because my landlord kept raising the price on the washing machines.

I think I used them like 5 times total.


flabberghaster wrote

in a WORLD.... Of normal talkers...

<quick double cut one after another of two crooks getting thrown into a wall, with loud whoosh each time>

one man...

<slow overhead drone shot over a beautiful green field on a cloudyy day as a choir vocalizes>

Has the courage...

<slow motion shot of a wine goblet falling onto a marble floor and shattering>

To narrate.

Summer 2023


flabberghaster wrote

Well the point is to be in 2022 and not live in the past.

I'm pointing out parallels between this and a previous disastrous context and the political clikqte that lead up to it and you're just brushing it off as obsolete, like as a culture we're past that? If this is where we're at propaganda wise I think we seriously are screwed, not even saying "beware, we have seen these talking points before used against people opposed to escalating a war" is considered in bounds?

How did NATO lead into the war?

In the wiki leaks diplomatic cables, officials were warning that continuing expanding NATO past the point agreed upon in the 90s would be seen as provocation by Russia, but they've been expanding anyway despite the potential to heighten tensions.

Since when is it "the left" standpoint to just assume NATO is completely innocent and Russia are just insane batman villains acting out of a pure drive for chaos with no geostrategic goals of their own?

Obviously the invasion is bad but why should we risk a nuclear war escalating the conflict more directly?

But the DSA IC is also opposed to sanctions, which are not warfare.

Obviously they are, they're economic warfare. The goal is to inflict pain on the populace in hopes of causing a domestic crisis in the country.


flabberghaster wrote

I think the statement is fine.

I seriously feel like we are back in 2002 and if you're not baying for an invasion of Iraq, you were being told "Say hello to Saddam Hussein for me!"

I think flooding the country with guns and turn the place into another proxy war, calls from all quarters of the "Serious People" to establish a no fly zone, etc need to be spoken out against.

It's absolutely TRUE that NATO has no leg to stand on calling out Russian aggression with our record. We do need to condemn NATO for the role it did play in leading up to this.

None of this is to say "No one should care about the plight of the Ukrainian people." It's to say "Hold your got dang horses, let's not dive headlong into another damn war."