Submitted by twovests in just_post (edited )

  • the boys (amazon prime show)
  • last week tonight (john oliver)
  • a leftist on a discord fandom channel (he has a trust fund and an instagram)
  • (algorithmic timeline)

any questions



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cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

yeah I have a question?


twovests OP wrote



cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

Okay so I've already read a LOT of reddit... too much really... Does that decade of reading reddit count towards this reading requirement?


Dogmantra wrote

no you have to read all of it or you're not a true comrade


cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote

okay shoot that was what I was worried about okay


twovests OP wrote

all jokes aside i like how "leftist" ideas are becoming more mainstream and marketable but i dislike how they're being sold to us

"the boys" and "mr robot" are legitimately some of the best shows and i recommend them, and they have some good messages, anti-capitalist ones at that. but they don't dig very deep and they completely avoid concepts like "unions".

in "the boys", there are in-universe superheroes but also they make superhero movies, and the criticism ends at "haha sometimes superheroes are cringey" and not "hey, these super-expensive films couldn't exist in an ethical economic system", because that would implicate "the boys" irl as well.


flabberghaster wrote

It's recuperation. It will always happen, nothing to be done about it except not lose sight of what really matters.


twovests OP wrote

Oh I actually didn't know the word for this, I appreciate it. It's good to have a word to put to this thing