
flabberghaster OP wrote

Yeah it's so much nicer! There's some where they're trying to be really by the rules and they manage to make it work but most of the time the dice rolls are just there to keep things grounded (you can't just god mode yourself, you have to have some chance of failure etc). It's not really usually that useful if what you're playing table top RPGs for is to fell a collective story, so editing it out is probably a huge pain but it makes things flow so much smoother.


flabberghaster wrote

i don't know about a will as in, the document that says who gets what when you die, but I think it's always good to have a living will, which is the document that says what you want health care-wise if you become incapacitated and incapable of answering questions. You never know when that could come in handy -- hopefully never, but if it does, you'd be glad you had it.