
flabberghaster wrote

I stopped smoking recently too and hadn't realized what a fog i had been in; My anxiety is way less now. (not to say it's bad or anything just relating my experience after stopping daily use)

Glad you are now able to get by without it holly, so good to hear your pain is doing better :D


flabberghaster wrote

I think my favorite feature along these lines is splatting.

def draw_circle(x, y, r, line_color="#ff0000", fill_color="#00ff00"):

args = [10, 20, 2]
kwargs = {"line_color": "#0000ff", "fill_color": "#ff0000"}
draw_circle(*args, **kwargs)

it works the other way too. It's such a useful feature!


flabberghaster wrote

A few months ago, i was riding my bike and a person stepped off the curb, causing me to swerve and ultimately my bike to come out from under me in a crash.

As I was laying on the ground the guy came up and put his hand on my back asking if I was ok. It was the first time someone had touched me in like, months, and it was inexplicably nice. Just a concerned person, showing their concern.

Which is not to say, everone go out and touch everyone, but, it was nice and it really struck me.