flabberghaster wrote
Reply to unicodesnowmanforyou.com by Jenheadjen
flabberghaster wrote
Liminal post
flabberghaster wrote
There is truly no bottom with the dems.
"It's us, or the fascists. We made sure of it."
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to thinking about being a woman online by hollyhoppet
You're going to get so much helpful advice, without even having to go to the effort of asking! I'm almost jealous.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in I'm feeling really anxious by flabberghaster
Oh, I don't feel bad for speaking the truth, I feel worried that if there's layoffs I will be on the chopping block since I'm the surly downer of the office, is more the concern.
Yeah covid has really shaken my worldview. I thought most people wanted to do what's right to help others but structural issues make that difficult. But seeing how many people are so quick to just refuse to take even the smallest steps to protect others like wear a mask, and instead say if you're at risk just never go outside ever, just... I don't know how to handle that.
Early on when people thought they were at risk, everyone was onboard. But now people think that being vaxxed makes them personally safe, no one seems to give one single shit about taking precautions anymore, since it's other people who are at risk, not them.
This lack of care for others is just... Impossible for me to understand in any other way than just thinking most everyone i see is a selfish fucking asshole, and that's not a healthy way for me to exist in the world.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I want to buy a domain and have a web server but I have no idea what to put on it. by flabberghaster
I don't really want to either I just think it would be cool. I like messing with computers.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in My solemn pledge to you, is that I will *never* attempt a leveraged buyout of jstpst.net ❤️ by flabberghaster
Did you read the paradise papers? Enough said.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in My solemn pledge to you, is that I will *never* attempt a leveraged buyout of jstpst.net ❤️ by flabberghaster
OK fine, i'll start buying up a ton of stock since you're gonna need it so the price will skyrocket and i'll get rich.
Thanks for the heads up
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to "Steeb" spelled backwards is beets by twovests
oh, my, god... how deep does this go....
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in Beets backwards is "steeb" by flabberghaster
I'm just saying.....
flabberghaster wrote (edited )
Reply to I have beets by Moonside
Wow a real member if the gogo's, posting with us!
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to 2023 prediction by emma
Cassandra, but the only reason no one believes her is because she can't stop pretending to be joking to diffuse tension created by her dire warnings
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I think that people should feed me treats by voxpoplar
Go ahread and punch these in to ur 3d printer
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I love to do automobile maintenance in a dark parking lot with only a cell phone flash light to see by by flabberghaster
Lucky for me this is a fairly simple job; i just had to adjust and clean+lube the chain on my bike and I didn't get to it before the sun went down.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I love to do automobile maintenance in a dark parking lot with only a cell phone flash light to see by by flabberghaster
It is but I think it's nice to be able to do it on my own so I kind of enjoy the hassle.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in cohost! is a place to post by devtesla
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to cohost! is a place to post by devtesla
Why the HELL isn't it called copost then 😡😡😡
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to is summer over yet? by hollyhoppet
Over? I 'ardly know 'er.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to Friday night porch posting by flabberghaster
I'm watching some fireflies
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in Did you know that whale milk has the consistency of cottage cheese so calves can "eat" it underwater by Seirdy
I'll do it later
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to Did you know that whale milk has the consistency of cottage cheese so calves can "eat" it underwater by Seirdy
Thank you I will tell everyone I can
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to mario's castle by twovests
Sorry, bowser. Mario is at a different castle
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by emma in macros are setting my hair on fire rn by musou
The DRY principle says that if you write something more than once you should refactor it. Here I see you used ()
in two places; that can be a macro, to ease readability.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to macros are setting my hair on fire rn by musou
OK so this is kind of a pain in the neck to do a lot of times but sometimes you can get the output if the C preprocessor.
Then through careful editing, you can kind of figure out what it's turning in to.
int main(...) {
Then you could just put comments above and below it, and run cpp -I/all/include/directories main.c
It will tell you the final output and also have debugging garbage about where each thing expanded from.
Not ideal, and also in a big project that uses a complex build tool it can be incredibly hard to get the cpp args, but it can help.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in Worst review on Cowboy Bike 3 by flabberghaster
2 Juice 2 Cero