flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Cryptocurrency expert here! I'd like to dispell some common misconceptions about NFTs. :) Myth: NFTs are good. Truth: NFTs are not good by twovests
I think the only thing using a block chain buys you over a normal notary is that everyone can see that the notary signed off on it in real time, so that if you have a corrupt notary (or one gets hacked) and they sign off on something while claiming they saw it before they actually did, people would be able to prove it.
You could however, make the signatures public without a block chain type scheme, to achieve this.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to voxpoplar's Wordle rules by voxpoplar
I think the restriction of never using letters that have been ruled out makes it harder to think of new words but it does help me to not waste guesses. Same goes for if a letter is confirmed to be in a certain spot, don't guess any words that don't have that letter in that spot.
This usually means i spend like 40 minutes on one wordle puzzle tho
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to CRYPTOLAND (warning: extremely cursed) by hollyhoppet
I read someone's summary of this video but it did not do it justice
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in When is jstpst.net going to be an oauth2 provider? by flabberghaster
OK once I set it up I will need you to contact all the sites and ask them to add jstpst to their list of sites that they accept. Should be easy
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in When is jstpst.net going to be an oauth2 provider? by flabberghaster
You can't. But I want to use jstpst author for other sites so I can get rid of google
flabberghaster wrote
Thanks for the review, I think i'm gonna skip it.
flabberghaster wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by emma in remember to prefix every statement you make with IANAL if you are not a lawyer by emma
It's not 100% serious but sovcits think that by saying the right things at the right time the government can't do anything to them. (ie, they always talk about how they don't have a "contract" with the government or that if there's a gold fringe on the flag, the court has no jurisdiction).
Lawyers think that if they make a compelling enough argument, the government will be forced to stop doing its thing.
In both cases, they overestimate the power of "The Law" -- if the government wants to do something they will make up a reason to do it and say it's the law. But in the case of the sovcits they also misunderstand what 'the law' is.
But both of them think that by invoking the right logic you can wield power, which I guess is kind of true in some cases.
flabberghaster wrote
People act like The Law is magic and if you say the right words at the right time then you have to get what you want. They don't realize that the legal system is just like any other system: made up to make things easier for whoever has power.
Even real lawyers are the same as soverign citizens to me, except the 'real lawyers' just have the buy in of the judges. It's all fake either way!
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to does anyone actually want this "metaverse" stuff by ___
I seriously do not see the point. Even zoom sucks, to me. I don't feel the need for VR for most interactions.
It feels like Facebook is grasping at straws trying to think of something to do with all their engineers to be quite honest.
flabberghaster wrote
If it's one of those flights that goes left and right, like a spiral staircase but straight, you could put the end tags on the bottom one
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to capitalismts when they learn christmas is considered bad for capitalism by pro-capitalism economists by twovests
Overthrowing capitalism by giving everyone socks that don't fit
flabberghaster wrote
I think she's probably just in a coma or something
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I'm in talks with Amazon to make them a subsidiary of jstpst.net by flabberghaster
we are going to turn them into a worker cooperative and use their chokehold on the global logistics system to overthrow capitalism.
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in AD&D rules are absurdly complicated and unintuitive by flabberghaster
Luckily the original post had too low of an AC to get hit
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in AD&D rules are absurdly complicated and unintuitive by flabberghaster
I actually kind of like THAC0 conceptually, and if the computer is doing all the math I don't have to worry about it.
I think it's just a UI issue where if you get an armor that's like, Chain Mail +1 the information screen will say that it gives you +1 to your AC, which would be bad if that were true, but when you equip it it actually correctly lowers your AC. So that stuff is a UI issue but I understand and can respect the underlying mechanics. Figure out you ac and thaco and then you just need to roll one die and check if it's over or under.
What I find less intuitive is when you're reading through spells and need to figure out what status effects you need. This gives me a +1 to save vs breath weapons bit for some reason that also includes fireball spells? Also wtf pretty much only dragons have breath weapons why is this a dedicated stat? Why didn't they make breath weapons use like... AoE saves or something? (I'm pulling this out of my head, not using a real example here)
It's very complicated and unintuitive. But that's OK, I actually really like the game and the system in general!
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in jstpst sponsored by arby's by twovests
Maybe it should be. I'll put some feelers out
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to jstpst sponsored by arby's by twovests
I for one am SICK of not seeing advertisements on this website. How am I supposed to know what to buy if my favorite online content doesn't come packed to the gills with information to me about products and services I could be consuming?
I'm TIRED of it, and it MUST CHANGE.
flabberghaster wrote
Good, now we can finally invest all that silicon into bitcoin
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in I think the government should clean my apartment by flabberghaster
I think a battalion sized force could make short work of this mess.
flabberghaster OP wrote (edited )
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Big news in the flabberghaster's guts space by flabberghaster
This happened hours before those! (Though they sure didn't help)
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by musou in I am the one who made jstpst.net give 500 errors earlier by flabberghaster
it is as easy for me as breathing; you have 23 more hours to respond
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to (fastest mario) by twovests
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in Welcome to flabberghasters crypto corner by flabberghaster
This whole industry is just more advanced armor polishing scams.
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to happy jasika nicole appreciation day by twovests
I know her from two things:
- Alice Isn't Dead
- The TV show Fringe
What other Jasika Nicole media is out there that I'm missing out on?
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Cryptocurrency expert here! I'd like to dispell some common misconceptions about NFTs. :) Myth: NFTs are good. Truth: NFTs are not good by twovests
Contracts, court documents, deeds, that kind of stuff.
Most any bank or credit union will have a notary who you can get to notarize anything you want, usually free if you have an account there.
Anything you would want to be able to say "I signed this on X date", and this person witnessed.