
devtesla wrote (edited )

Marvel movies these days are split between senes that look like a multi-camera sitcom, but like, worse, and confusing CGI barf action scenes. The movies drag on and on because the Community writing style has to constantly serve a mass of additional storylines that are purposefully drawn out and aren't allowed to go anywhere. It's a deeply bizzare way to make movies and it not a surprise that's it currently crashing down around them.

The next one, The Marvels, is probably going to tank, which is funny because the premise and look of it actually sounds like it might actually make the superhero sitcom work for once.


devtesla wrote

I'm not using Kagi cause so much about it is cringe (doggo mascot, Japanese name, AI projects) but it's no more than any other online service. Theres tons of online services I use where I know the owner has weird politics. It's kind of unavoidable Lol, tho it was sad to give up basecamp when they fired everyone cause of woke. Maybe that'll happen here?

Theres also a history of services like this that get used in ways the owners don't really intend. Like if you go on Blue Sky rn you'll notice that jack doesn't post there and it's all a bunch of libs with politics that hate jack Lol. This will probably happen with Kagi

For search I'm honestly really happy with ddg, because the most important feature to me is bangs. I know where to find stuff most of the time, I don't need to have a search engine give me happy results. But it is cool that Kagi can do that. And it also has Bangs Lol. So they know what's up!