
OP wrote

The street fighter matches have been so good and theyre not even fully out of pools yet, and its still going to take them a while to get through the 7000 entrants (this is Alot).

Other games, i dont really care for. I watched the start of the mortal kombat finals and they were so slow... Not very exciting at all. That game also just looks like such ass; it's animations are all so stiff and the characters look like theyre sliding across ice. The killer instinct finals were fun though, only because that game dosent look like its real. Its meant to be the " Xbox Fighting Game" and theres so much weird shit going on in it. Theres a skeleton character and i heard the commentator say "Oh, hes put a curse on his opponents meter !". A battle toad is in it.

I also greatly enjoy the rule of "Players are responsible for having a tournament-legal controller, arcade stick, or other input device on which to compete." There have been some funny contraptions on display, a wizards scrying orb, and a shield around a golden fightstick to protect from the other player looking at the inputs (WHY)

Fgihting game 👍


OP wrote

There's Weird Voices Coming from the Room Next Door!

I did have some thoughts on it, but it was a month ago so ive mostly forgotten them by now. Its short and the first chapters mostly are mostly just the main character being flustered when some thing lesbian happens to her, but i remember it developing some interesting relation ship drama as it went on. On the whole, i would recommend it, but it is pretty explicit so try not to read it on the train or some thing


wrote (edited )

i clicked onto a stream of this game on a lark once, and it had the most convoluted, over the top, and crowded UI, i couldnt stop laughing at it. the characters themselves were probably the smallest asset on screen, there was random text scrolling across the screen at 45 degree angles, one million fucking meters, it was so good. literally like that one meme