Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Four plums by nomorepie
the ones from the icebox? I was saving those!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by neku in i miss writing english essays. they are basically posts that someone 3x your age has to read. AND reply to. by twovests
you write essays because class demands it, you can't just post on demand, posting is from the heart and fingers or perhaps speech to text device
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to i have i'm poster syndrome by hollyhoppet
one of the top ten posts this right here
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
do you know where I could get one
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
aha! those are plasters :) the ol' talking past each other strikes again!
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
I have plasters, I would hope that if bandages are necessary that perhaps an ambulance will be called!
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
do you have a good water bottle rec or do you go with just regular plastic/reusable steel ones?
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
I have added hand sanitiser and wetwipes, I do not need bobby pins or hair ties on account of shaving my head :P
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
yes I actually do need to come up with a cuddle companion to live in this bag. My previous bag has Smallbird who is a small bird and has a PhD.
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
you are allowed to carry knives in the uk but you either need to have a "good reason" to be carrying, e.g. you're a chef travelling to or from work, or for everyday carry purposes they need to have a blade less than 3", fold, and have no locking mechanism.
the government is very gung-ho about knife crime, which is admittedly a problem but they are so showy about it - they're banning "ninja swords" now which have been used in approximately zero crimes
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
I have a gerber dime which I carry around as a regular multitool, uk knife laws mean most leathermans with blades are off the table, and I did want a blade so I got one with a teeny little blade. Floss is definitely a good idea!
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by neku in what are some good things to put in a backpack? by Dogmantra
ooh yeah lots of good shouts here! I should have mentioned I do already carry a lil multitool with me all the time so don't need one in the ol backy pack
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to ITT: Post false accusations likely to cause harm to named individuals under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom by flabberghaster
Dogmantra is not cool or a good idea*
*inspired by actual hate mail I once got on reddit
Dogmantra wrote
I would do this and consider it a success because it is likely to get me to enough calories for the day
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to thinking about getting rid of the red barrels in my driveway with the flame symbols on them by hollyhoppet
I'd hold off on it until you start another major project, I feel like when I start something new I lose a lot of my powers and have to rely on things like the environment more. You know, for project reasons.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to does jstpst have any meme numbers? by twovests
699, the initial price in dollars of everyone's favourite source of fresh squeezed juice
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to The web is ENSHITTIFIED... I wish it were more like the 00s, where there was... *Looks at screenshots* Oh no. *Flipping through screenshots* Oh nooooooooo. (CW: discussion of grooming / csam) by twovests
Even the most ardent enjoyers of Dense and Obtuse technologies cannot defend Mumble.
I am a defender of Skype and still used it almost daily right up until very recently and would continue if it were in my power to do so (Discord give me my COMFORT NOISE)
I would also like to defend mumble on the grounds that it was arcane sorcery and sometimes inexplicably worked even when everything else net-based did not.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in Your least favorite desserts GO! by Moonside
I was gonna say cheesecake but you reminded me I hate meringue more
Dogmantra wrote
what if I stole your juicero and you could not longer have fresh-squeezed juice every morning
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to learning so much canadian history. like, why were all their early PMs so fucked up and dying all the time by twovests
if only there was some sort of saying about the corrupting influence of power
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by nomorepie in technology connections DESTROYS those shitty little mini fridges by emma
dishwashers also