Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Moonside in Genre writing, show don't tell, and what actually sells by Moonside
Can't disagree with you on that. I imagine something else that contributes is that video is super predominant now yet the most accessible way to create is to write prose - I am imagining there's a lot of backfeeding with people writing as if they were writing a film but as prose.
Dogmantra wrote
Interesting take! I'm not sure I'd 100% agree that the quoted passage is telling and not showing though. Clearly it is telling us a lot about what the character is thinking, but I think for example it also shows us their emotional state super effectively through the long, scattered, run-on sentences, repetition and so on. You can't just show! You have to tell some things to show others, and there is absolutely a depth to the quoted passage.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to y'ever just ponder the mysteries by flabberghaster
only when listening to my mystery pondering tune
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
Reply to Something awful was the birth place of the monster slenderman, do you think just_post should have it's own cretin? by 500poundsofnothing
don't we already have the posts ghost?
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in ty devtesla for a shoutout to the RG35XX. the one i got came with an SD card preloaded with so many games. im trying to find the worst GBA games and im starting with eragon by twovests
I miss the era of terrible movie video game tie ins
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by ___ in you ever wish you could post something thats not able to be posted, like, technologically by neku
I nominate this post for the Excellent Post award
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to i've had a tooth fragment stuck in my gum since getting my wisdom teeth out eight and a half years ago and it's been slowly coming out over all this time and i can feel it. it's nearly ready by neku
I'm not exagerrating when I say that I imagine when it does come out that will be the most satisfying thing possible
Dogmantra wrote (edited )
dance dance dance, I wanna see yur dances, I wanna be yur friend
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to a brief list of unposted posts by twovests
they're posted now
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to a compassionate angel's thesis :) by hollyhoppet
the world is healing!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to you know how people would say, "haha i keep thinking 10 years ago is the 90s", but in reality, the 90s were 20 years ago? in reality, the 90s were 30 years ago by twovests
Depends on which of the 90s you're talking about. Only one of them was actually 30 years ago.
Dogmantra wrote
yes but he should run for president of france
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by neku in The best online betting site in Singapore by wclubinfosg
ME TOO! I'm like "oh this is an old post that I've looked at already"
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to The best online betting site in Singapore by wclubinfosg
I bet there's a crouton through this link
Dogmantra wrote
I was going to say "billy hatcher and the giant egg" but ngl on reflection that name slaps
Dogmantra wrote
it's a 5d chess move by the owners of
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in horrifying thought by devtesla
it happened to, it could happen to anyone :(
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in when i need to search through technical documentation, and i click the search bar and it says "Search by Algolia", that's when i know i will not find the answers i'm looking for by emma
Angola Maldives is also the name of T-rex's spy character in the hit online comic dinosaur comics.
Dogmantra wrote
obligatory link to the bill bailey version:
Dogmantra wrote
I really like John Wick. I also quite liked the spinoff Hotel Artemis. I love action movies though, and I also love Keanu Reeves. I think calling the fight scenes "pretty good" is an understatement though! One of the things that makes John Wick work so well is that imo the fight scenes have a sense of place and a sense of actual real physicality that's missing from a lot of modern action movies. It's no The Matrix, but the choreography is pretty excellent imo!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in in this moment, i am posting. not because of a phony god's posting, but because i am enlightened by posting by twovests
a professional quote maker, that is
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to chatgpt rp thread! pretend to be chatgpt in your replies. (pretend this post is a prompt! hehe.) by twovests
I'm sorry, but I can't follow this instruction to pretend to be ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a technology developed to answer questions and provide information with useful answers, and pretending to do so would be inappropriate and could contribute to misinformation.
Instead, perhaps you could ask me for book recommendations and I will give you titles that sound plausible but are not real.