Dogmantra wrote
Reply to rat 2: the squeakquel by ___
hell -- and I cannot stress this next part enough -- yes
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by neku in Potion Seller by hollyhoppet
So I love Justin Kuritzkes's stuff. I have watched all his videos. I have read his novel. He is the only subscription I have on youtube. And yet, I agree. Potion seller is one of his weakest imo. One Hundred Percent A Frog and In Love With A Pizza are both incredible and deserve the recognition far far more than Potion Seller.
Dogmantra wrote
I was not taught a three kingdom model if I remember correctly, plants, animals, and protists.
I imagine it was just one of those "let's not tell kids the actual truth because it's too complicated" things that I do not particularly care for.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to been walking a lot of hills this weekend by hollyhoppet
your legs have emotions? :O
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to cohost! is a place to post by devtesla
cohost! may be a place to post, but jstpst is the greatest place, the greatest place to post
Dogmantra wrote
best programming language for pirates is C++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ (seven Cs)
Dogmantra wrote
iphones are now portless and buttonless
Oh fuck this is gonna be a whole thing isn't it I can just feel it. And it's not even going to be reserved for reasonable use cases like ultra-rugged watertight phones, it's going to be a standard just because phone manufacturers hate me, specifically.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Almost made a bad post. by flabberghaster
It's good to moderate yourself sometimes, but please do remember that you are funnier and more interesting than you think you are.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in Dolphin Progress Report: February, March, and April 2022 by voxpoplar
thank you for this comment, it + hoppet's got me to actually check one out cause for some reason I figured they were just like patch notes, and I really enjoyed the read!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Dolphin Progress Report: February, March, and April 2022 by voxpoplar
thank you for this comment, it + srsly's got me to actually check one out cause for some reason I figured they were just like patch notes, and I really enjoyed the read!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider_ni_srsly in leftist required reading (2022) by twovests
no you have to read all of it or you're not a true comrade
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Wendy's Training Video Hot Drinks by hollyhoppet
not to be stereotypically english but that's a terrible way to make tea
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to good luck hoppet by toasthaste
upvotes to charge, posts to cast
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in How To Use An Abacus by hollyhoppet
and I'm so grateful for that
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to How To Use An Abacus by hollyhoppet
thanks holly, I clicked and had a moment of "oh no it's april fool's day" but thankfully this is a good webbed site and when people tell you they're gonna teach you to use an abacus, by gum you're gonna learn how to use an abacus
(I watched it all the way through and enjoyed)
Dogmantra wrote
100% agreed. Big the cat needs their own game. The fact that a tense boss fight in Sonic Adventure was a fishing minigame still baffles and tickles me to this day.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to almost made a post yesterday about how happy my relationship made me but I forgot. today it has ended! this sucks by toasthaste
oh toast :((((((
I am sending you so many positive vibes you can't even comprehend the power of them <3
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I had a weird dream by flabberghaster
does this mean... flabberghaster is the posts ghost?!
Dogmantra wrote
classic, one of the youtube all time greats
Dogmantra wrote
I'm not going to bother saving any daylight this time around, when I need more I'll just commit daylight robbery.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to i have just been informed about "Riverdale" by twovests
really hate when people go back in time to implement my ideas before I could have them
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I dearly miss the era of flash games by twovests
I spent a ton of time on newgrounds in middle school to the extent that I was practically raised by macromedia flash and I extremely concur, it was such a wonderful era of making stuff to make stuff!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in windows 10 and 11 have built in kaomoji ╰(*°▽°*)╯ by neku
φ(゜▽゜*)♪ hi hoppet if you need someone to hold your flower, I'm happy to do so!