Dogmantra wrote
I hate cars. March/April 2020 was super scary and difficult, but going out to empty streets was so refreshing.
To transfer fuel burning cars over to electric is gonna take a ton of infrastructure change that I think justifies a much bigger overhaul of the transportation system. Bring back the trams!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in New Report Finds 72% Of Americans Planning On Ending Things With Brian Once Pandemic Over by neku
I'm sorry you had to find out this way
Dogmantra wrote
industry was a mistake
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Presidential_Afro in oh yeah i was gonna try to update the site by hollyhoppet
prepare to venerate concrete
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to did anyone else grow up thinking "the magic school bus" and "reading rainbow" were special shows only that school teachers were allowed to show by twovests
as a school teacher I can confirm that the special shows we get are way too cool to share with students
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in conk creat by toasthaste
owwww my teef
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to conk creat by toasthaste
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in in my opinion, hexagons are pretty great by hollyhoppet
I have not played Hive but I have another game by the same designer called Army of Frogs which is a bit simpler but it has hexagons and four (count em FOUR) different colours of frog :D
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to in my opinion, hexagons are pretty great by hollyhoppet
yes! this is how I rate board games, it's a good game if it has hexagons
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to The Cursed Computer Iceberg by voxpoplar
this was fun, I worked my way through most of it today, apart from the stuff I couldn't understand cause it was too academic codey :D
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to What if there were a shortage of Indian flat bread but it wasn't really that important? by flabberghaster
sounds like it'd be a paneer-n the arse?
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to today is my birthday by hollyhoppet
Haby birtdoy hoppet
I hope belinda the birthday ferret brings you everything you dreamed of and doesn't eat too many pairs of your socks.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to Tracing Paper: Color printers mark printouts with barely visible codes that are used to track down currency counterfeiters, as well as everyone else. by oolong
yeah this stuff is very scary
it also makes me wonder if some malfunction with this is why all my printouts recently seem to have a little bit of yellow smudged right on the margins, hmm.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by emma in We as a society need to come to a common understanding on short names for motorcycles and bicycles. by flabberghaster
Mike is short for Motorbike
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to made an appt to get the juice by toasthaste
Which mutation are you hoping for, super powers or cat ears?
Dogmantra wrote
I relate so hard to this <3
sending you all the good vibes that I can muster toasthaste, you're great!
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in what is everyone's favorite ttrpgs by ellynu
I highly suggest throwing out or ignoring like 50% of the rulebook, I especially hate the cake and eat it of "there's racism against orks and trolls but it's all just incorrect racists!" at the same time as orks and trolls just being cosmically less charismatic & intelligent but the core system is pretty great and I love the rest of shadowrun.
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to what is everyone's favorite ttrpgs by ellynu
shadowrun anarchy
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to stand up by hollyhoppet
great, i'm sure you'll fit right in, follow me up to the office and they'll finish your release
ah yes we've been expecting you
you'll have to be recorded before you're officially released, there are a few ways we can do this and the choice
Dogmantra OP wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in Thinking about future historians by Dogmantra
no one's allowed to leave the house because backstreet's back alright
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to holly hoppet's justice league by hollyhoppet
the dogmantra cut is identical to everything else but superheroes are referred to as superb heroes
Dogmantra wrote
Reply to I'm the chemical they put in the water to turn the frogs gay by voxpoplar
I'm the frogs