
Dogmantra wrote

for many many years it was a website that took you to a plain purple page, it was quite a favourite of tech support types for checking web connections because purple is very hard to mishear over the phone, it loaded quickly, and it was obvious when you connected.

if you were quick, there was an FAQ link that disappeared after a second or two and the guy that ran the site was funny, I don't remember exactly but I'm fairly sure the answer to "can I advertise on" was that yes you could but it cost an outrageous amount of money, and that there was a game on the site where a purple squirrel would run onto the screen and you had to click them. There was no reward or score counter but the squirrel would know. There was even a changelog from when they changed the shade of purple after receiving feedback that it wasn't purple enough.

They never said why they maintained the site so long, but speculation I've seen is that they liked having an email, and perhaps as a file server. It was a piece of web history and I'm genuinely really sad it's gone.


Dogmantra wrote

I went to three schools and none of them had anything like that. The closest they got is that one of them had an after school cookery club. Thing is that school already ended at 5.15pm so I never did any clubs.

However, one of the schools I worked in for teacher training had a rad building with several specialised teaching rooms, including a cookery classroom where they made things like pasta from scratch, which doesn't appeal to me but is really cool that they had the option! Don't think they had other home economicy stuff like sewing there though. They did have a hair and beauty class too which was neat although unrelated.


Dogmantra wrote

oh! I also forgot to mention my absolute favourite change from AoW 3 to Planetfall: the militia. Your cities have inherent defenders that spawn if the place is attacked. They're not enough to survive an actual dedicated attack but they're good for stopping random wandering monsters from taking a city because you didn't wanna dedicate time and resources to making units that are just going to stand on the city for the rest of the game.