Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_eate
I did a draw that I'm really happy with
shutupismelldrawings.tumblr.comSubmitted by toasthaste in just_post
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_eate
Submitted by voxpoplar in GoldenAgeOfTV
We Buy Gifts That Surveil Our Loved Ones Because There Is Nothing Else to Buy
vice.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
Submitted by devtesla in killallgames (edited )
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
Submitted by Presidential_Afro in just_post
List of video games considered the best - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by devtesla in killallgames
youtube.comSubmitted by devtesla in vote_satan
Verizon, who bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion in 2013, sells it to Wordpress owners for "well below" $20 million
axios.comSubmitted by neku in technology (edited )
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post