Recent comments in /f/just_post
twovests wrote
Reply to Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
Pop! OS: is the Linux distro I recommend for basically everybody.
It's based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, so it has most of the community knowledge around support. It's the "happy path". Pop! OS is nice because it removes the bad part of Ubuntu, called "snaps", but keeps the rest.
The only thing I'm not certain about is using the external display. That's something you will probably need to figure out from googling ;(
As a side note: Befriending the command line is daunting, but pays dividends. A lot of the help online will recommend the command line. You can't avoid it entirely, and it's a superpower.
Dogmantra wrote
I've always thought puerto rico was a bad game so I feel validated
devtesla OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in I posted a rant about board game geek drama to bsky by devtesla
board games are wild!!!
oolong wrote
like catan changing its name doesn't make it less about being a settler
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
It's a Sugondese expression
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
This was a candy in Wonka's factory! What da hell
Reply to comment by twovests in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
I really hate that this exists
flabberghaster OP wrote
Reply to comment by Jenheadjen in why are there so many linux distros that store the kernel config used to compile the kernel in /boot/config-$(uname -r) instead of good old, dependable old, reliable old, normal old, regular old, /proc/config.gz? by flabberghaster
It's annoying to me because of my job.
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
I think its success as a product is because it's inherently funny, and juuuust interesting enough.
oolong wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
we moved him to a farm upstate
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by cute_spider in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
wait shit I ruined it
cute_spider wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
How is updog?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
how is this not a joke....
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
Progresso recently announced "Soup Drops: Soup you can Suck On". Today was the release day:
I'm consumeposting >:)
hollyhoppet wrote
did you get your wisdom teeth out or something?
oolong wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
not much, you?
(this is a multi level joke comment wherein what's sup is elided into what's up. sup is a verb and the superior way to spell soup. ask me what's updog)
rain wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in autocorrect typos that can happen by twovests
Oh no we’re on a plum!
(autocorrect from “oh no worms on a plane”)
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by rain in autocorrect typos that can happen by twovests
It got rotten to planes
(autocorrect typo from "it got torn to pieces")
twovests OP wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in in times like these, i wish i had soup i could suck on... by twovests
What's sup?
oolong wrote (edited )
you mean sup?
(this is a multi level joke comment combining sup, the verb, and sup, the superior way to spell soup. ask me what's sup)
rain wrote
Reply to autocorrect typos that can happen by twovests
What wormed to your incredible foreskin?!?
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to comment by Dogmantra in if Computers advanced Faster, then we would have skipped decades of Chiptunes. and music would be worse by twovests
famous from his Challenge
twovests wrote
Reply to Computer touchers: what's a good easy to install linux for a low power streaming box? by Dogmantra
I forgot to ask, can you give the make/model/specs of your netbook? That will help a ton