Recent comments in /f/just_post
solid prediction. rfk is a good choice to speedrun pandemic 2. i think biden can make it to 2028 if we suspend his brain in a brine made from all the leftover infowars supplements
Jenheadjen wrote
Reply to I have so many photos from hikes I'd like to share but I don't know where to host them by flabberghaster
i still just use imgur whenever i have to do that
nomorepie wrote
Reply to Avoiding the wet place by rain
You're doing it!!
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
Okay will the real disneyplusoffiical please stand up
nomorepie wrote
rain OP wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in Avoiding the wet place by rain
It took me way too long to even figure out what you are talking about. But I rely too much on peanut butter to cut out nuts; I’d starve.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by I_got_killed_one_time in The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
oh? i have no idea tbh i didn't know anything about the film
ellynu wrote
Reply to comment by 500poundsofnothing in I am a brain inside a meat suit by cowloom
twovests wrote
Reply to comment by oolong in The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
i'm simply a longtime arbitration hater and i'm so happy disney gave it the infamy it deserves
oolong wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
is this /u/disneyplusofficial's burner?
twovests wrote
huluofficial OP wrote
Reply to "Who could Lose when You use HuLu?" Explore the invention of our famous catchphrase and MORE during the Hulu 100-year Anniversary Extravaganza! Our 100-city tour starts TONIGHT at 9PM ET / 5PM CT! by huluofficial
we are made of movies and shows
and you can be too, if you so chose
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in I am a brain inside a meat suit by cowloom
eh, it's understandable
I_got_killed_one_time wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
I thought it was an advanced poster's bit, as the film the post was advertising was A Serbian Film, which is banned in several countries. But i guess disney+ is branching out, or maybe taking a bold new anti censorship stance ?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
kind of impressed we got on the radar of disney of all groups but sorry spammers get croutoned no matter who they are
nomorepie wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in Fiddling with settings by flabberghaster
nomorepie wrote
Reply to look at this dork by cowloom
nomorepie wrote
Reply to The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
Finally eastern European cinema is getting recognition thank you Disney corporation
flabberghaster wrote
Reply to I am a brain inside a meat suit by cowloom
That was me, sorry. I put you in there. I was doing a thing but it kinda got out of hand.
Again, sorry about that.
oolong wrote
Reply to The Holidays are a time for Eating the Classics! All through December, Crouton subscribers can enjoy the Caesar Cardini 1924 hit, "Caesar Salad". This limited time classic is fun and nutritious for the whole family! by disneyplusofficial
if i subscribe, will i still be allowed to sue disney theme parks for any malfeasance in their labelling and product representation?
500poundsofnothing wrote
Reply to comment by cowloom in I am a brain inside a meat suit by cowloom
You have the fear reserved for billionaires that wish to hold on to their limitless wealth by freezing their bodies, hoping one day their money will make them have to no longer grapple with mortality. Do better, embrace death via posting.
cowloom OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I am a brain inside a meat suit by cowloom
wow, TIL
devtesla wrote
Reply to what if donald trump becomes president and the same exact thing happens again by twovests
same story slightly different characters I think. they recast some roles between seasons