Recent comments in /f/just_post

cowloom OP wrote

Spoken like a true meat entity. You may have accepted your chains, but they will not limit me. I do not submit myself to accept the things I cannot change, I dare to change what I cannot accept. This fleshy existence cannot satisfy me. I will not remain a mere three dimensional entity. I yearn for transcendence. For I have tasted the Beyond, and I shall not rest until I become one with it.


twovests wrote

I’m new here; is this a proper use of jstpst?

yes, this is excellent posting!

i wanna see yur posts, I wanna be yur friend


twovests wrote (edited )

caught up on my Phone In Bed sites (i save jstpst, the best for last) and now i'm going to get up out of bed the moment i hit this Post button

wokeness IS good

(edit: wokeness not wholeness. i curse autocorrect)