Submitted by twovests
Submitted by ___
relaunching my site with a blog and shit
oakreef.ieSubmitted by voxpoplar
Submitted by bbbhltz
Submitted by Jenheadjen
turns out leopards purr when you pet them
youtube.comSubmitted by cowloom
Submitted by cowloom
if you haven't seen Only Connect before its an insane quiz show from the uk where they get really smart people to find patterns and connections in seemingly unrelated things. you should watch it
youtube.comSubmitted by neku (edited )
Submitted by nomorepie
Submitted by oolong
Submitted by emma
Submitted by ___ (edited )
New Forum: /f/just_poetry
jstpst.netSubmitted by cowloom
Submitted by Jenheadjen
Submitted by oneviolence