devtesla OP wrote (edited )
what's so weird to me is the insistence on their own speaker. a live music streaming service seems like a no brainier concept
devtesla OP wrote
Juicero is just post cannon so I had to post
twovests wrote
Their justification is that it provides a controlled environment. The artists use the same speakers as you do, so it eliminates a variable to control for.
But there's a lot of other variables to adjust for than just the speaker technology, right? This is a lot of baloney right? I'm surprised they didn't use *Blockchain Technologies* as part of their speaker
neku wrote (edited )
They’re made of wood, glass, cotton, and steel: materials that are humble and human, not technological.
i support this. when ithink about the problems i have today in listening to music its theres too many computers and circuitboards involved.
that said id be interested in hearing one of these in the flesh. the concept of paying for performances that you can only hear at a certain time then goes away forever is dumb as fuck though.
Oda's membership costs $79 per season, billed at the beginning of each season (spring, summer, winter, and fall)
three hundred and twenty United States Dollars per year baby!!?? i'll get those midis illegally thank you very much.
hollyhoppet wrote
It's like two cans and a string. As it should be.
I'm sorry WHAT??
flabberghaster wrote
An accordion but you have to use specific bottles of pressurized air to reinflate it, can't just use the ambient atmosphere.
ellynu wrote
i'm curious what else is just post canon in the book of just post.
cute_spider_ni_srsly wrote
It's like two cans and a string.
As it should be.
The two cans are connected by a string to the internet, the string of course being wifi, and the two cans of course being IoT devices.
As it should be.
twovests wrote
this seems more interesting than the juicero, but that is a very, very, very low bar to beat