Submitted by voxpoplar in just_post

So I keep forgetting to check this site because I have had it in my RSS reader for ages so I expect posts to show up there, but it seems to keep failing to refresh. My RSS reader (News Blur) is reporting 505 timeout errors whenever it’s trying to parse it automatically, but when I open the RSS feed manually it works fine and when I click the button in my RSS reader to reparse it it works. But then it goes back to failing again when the automatic refresh happens.

The atom feed for this website, failing to parse repeatedly with a timeout error.


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devtesla wrote

I'll add it to my rss reader to see if it has the same problem. Not sure what would be causing that exact behavior!


voxpoplar OP wrote (edited )

After posting this I thought maybe News Blur’s server’s are being blocked for whatever reason? Maybe when the parse button does the request and parsing from my browsers instead and that’s why it might work when the automatic parsing fails? I dunno.


twovests wrote

Looking into it but I'm not sure :-0 It works on my reader


nitori wrote

Well 505 means "HTTP Version Not Supported", not a timeout error which would be 504 so that makes it even stranger


emma wrote

ok so i've looked into this, and on a postmill instance that uses cloudflare + nginx, i cannot reproduce the issue, it seems to work fine. i can only imagine it's a problem between caddy and whatever http client newsblur uses.