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hollyhoppet wrote

the ability to grow or ungrow hair on mine or anyone else's body


neku wrote

in questions like these i always want to be like "oh i would have the coolest superpower to reflect what a cool motherfucker i am" but in reality, my superpower would probably be quite unremarkable if i had one. but i dont have a superpower, so im going to say i would have shapeshifting, because shapeshifting is cool and i could be whatever i wanted to be at any time


Jenheadjen wrote

Honest answer teleportation. I'd like to travel more but its expensive and time consuming, it would be nice to be able to just go to a place instantly and come back whenever i want


flabberghaster wrote

if i could choose i'd take Able To Make Inventions powers. macguyver or iron man type stuff: take objects and take them apart and make new devices to do whatever I needed


nomorepie wrote (edited )

Idk what this is called but it would be cool to have like ? Tele-vision? To be able to see what is happening at any location I want. Distance observing. Not necessarily for perving reasons but I am nosy, so