We're back!! Thank you for your patience.
What happened? Heroku migrated the database and borked up jstpst.
How'd it get fixed? We moved to a VPS (i.e. a Linux server), and with a lot of help from Emma, it's back!!
Why did it take so long? I am so bad at Docker, and I thought it wise to try and maintain a separate postgres database, rather than the one that comes with Dorker.
Why Docker? Because PHP migrations between major OS versions is a huge pain that will bite us in the butt in two years, probably. Docker gives us portability. Or so I'm told.
What's lost? It appears we've lost all the custom themes, but everything else should still be here.
I also had to manually update the database. The TLDR is each post and vote has a unique serial number that somehow got borked. I reset them to the correct index.
SELECT setval('submissions_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM submissions));
SELECT setval('submission_votes_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM submission_votes));
SELECT setval('bans_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM bans));
SELECT setval('comment_votes_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM comment_votes));
SELECT setval('comments_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM comments));
SELECT setval('forums_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM forums));
SELECT setval('message_threads_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM message_threads));
SELECT setval('messenger_messages_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM messenger_messages));
SELECT setval('users_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id) FROM users));
What's new? I'm a sysadmin now! That means I control the VPS that runs Jstpst. I hope that's okay!! We're also updated to the very latest Postmill :)
What's left to do?
[ ] Document these steps to contribute back to Postmill!! Emma has been super helpful, in addition to, y'know, writing the software our community is based around
[ ] Get Jstpst back to its classic and cool blue theme
[ ] fix thumbnails oopse
[ ] Post post post
What now? Keep on making just post the very best place to post!! I love
Emily wrote
hewwo world