Recent comments in /f/introductions

admin wrote (edited )

I don't quite follow you. I was just trying to say you don't have to feel like you need to lurk before posting because one of the principles of this site is it's ok to post and you shouldn't have to worry about whether your post is "good enough." I don't think you did anything wrong particularly?

On top of that I'm just sometimes bad at trying to parse what people write and I'm having trouble with actually understanding the meaning behind your comment.

If you did post something upsetting one of us admins would delete the post and let you know.


wrote (edited )

Of course it's okay. Why wouldn't it be? Why would anyone want to hang out with transphobic homophobes who have something against furries?

Maybe I just don't understand the world, but pleased to meet you anyway.


OP wrote

No, you are a fellow elderly internet user, even though my oldest child is older than you. We are a minority and we stick together.

I have hair issues too and would love to share what we can come up with. Mine is just extremely thin all over because I'm AFAB and that's how the gene for male pattern baldness exhibits itself in this kind of body.

My body disintegrated so fast that I'm just not comfortable in my own skin and I don't recognize myself any more. I know it's hard, but self-care is important.

What are these kids going to do without us? I know they want to haul us both off to Treblinka, but it's not in their best interest.

I am not more equal than you. We're in this together. Thank you for having the courage to be "out" as a fellow Senior Digital Citizen.



I mean I'm not thirty yet so sorry if I gave a false impression. I kind of consider myself "online old" a lot and I've definitely started already feeling the pains of not having taking care of my body as well as I should. And thinking about transitioning and seeing that my hairline has already started to pull back makes me feel the grave pulling at me and making me fall apart. So I dunno I've just been feeling very old lately, even if I'm not really that old in reality.


wrote (edited )

Hi Overbite.

Do you have any issues with functionality? I'm almost completely dependant on my blender and it sucks donkey droppings.

Not that society doesn't suck anyway even if you aren't in the crosshairs.

At least we don't look like freaks:

if that's any consolation.

Stay safe; it's not your fault but we are vulnerable and subject to hate crimes.