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Jenheadjen OP wrote

Haven't forgotten about this btw, just haven't had much time/executive function to work on the post in a while. Currently up to Section 0.5 of it. Will probably post it in f/yourpersonalblog when it's done because it's turning into less of a concise game review and more of a rambling stream of consciousness.


Jenheadjen wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by neku in The Juicero of Bikes by voxpoplar

Very different kind of product but i think the thing that most recaptured the magic of Juicero was Quibi imo. In terms of like, massively overfunded thing that everyone immediately recognized as a stupid idea and was widely mocked throughout its short existence.


hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

I think there's an important distinction that needs to be made here based on the other conversation: a potion of healing will prevent scarring for a wound that it heals, but it won't remove an already-existing scar. Otherwise you wouldn't have burly scarred warriors adventuring all over the place.

And if it can't do that, let alone restore lost limbs, I doubt it could undo circumcision. That said, I'm sure a potion that could do so can be researched without too much trouble.


flabberghaster OP wrote

Well like if you get severe burns over a large part of your body, it will "heal" in that it'll scar over, but it won't be normal skin. A potion of healing will make it normal skin.

I'm not sure, to /u/nomorepie's point, if that means say, if you have a scar, if it would cause that to undo. I think that's kind of the whole ballgame here.


neku wrote

i think this is quite juicero but i think the og juicero is inimitable for their sheer chutzpah and the fall from grace afterwards. the way they hyped up the joy of cold pressed juice with the Juicero Juice Press, the $800 price tag only to find that the bags could be squeezed by hand, the way it felt like they were the focus of the entire internet that week... juicero was once in a lifetime. this is an overambitious kickstarter. juicero had vc backing