oh y'know what I'm not sure I actually saw anything specifically pointing toward n95s and up, it might have just been something about smaller particle sizes making most masks less effective/ineffective that I extrapolated to the good ones, but I'm not sure. Tried googling it just now but it's so hard to find actual relevant information on google these days >_<
iirc their efficacy has waned significantly as the virus has evolved (esp for weaker-than-N95 masks (most cloth masks are... more or less security theater at this point, has been my understanding)) but I am still wearing my N95s when I go places in part because I'm not interested in going back to breathing strangers' stank mouth-air, and in part because, how did it go, "like I'm ever going to let some absolute godless pervert see the bottom half of my face ever again. in a TARGET, no less"
I got a big bottle of soluble fiber supplements but it turns out they give me hella diarrhea which soluble fiber is not supposed to do (the opposite, even!) and I dunno what's up with that
I have been extremely going through it this year and can confirm, yea. Will say, learning to be able to tell people when I'm in pain and to lean on them for support-- and nurturing relationships I can do that in-- has been extremely loadbearing.
sadly I was put off by the art style (very common for me, esp for cartoons of that era) so I never gave it a chance. it does seem to have a minor reputation for having been really pretty good.
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I am trying to remember a sentence that I *think* I remember from here/the fempire/the devtesla cinematic universe, although I'm not sure. It might qualify as a copypasta but I'm not sure of that either by toasthaste
This is fine I still love it a lot :)