
toasthaste wrote (edited )

her randomly making it into one of the marvel vs capcom games a while back gives me a sliver of hope. maybe with the HD re-release....... but probably not

yea there's so much to pick from for movesets too! her final smash could involve like tracing brush techniques on the screen or something, it'd be so cool aughhh just let me play as a cool wolf goddess


toasthaste wrote

The Ise Grand Shrine, the supreme Shinto sanctuary located on Honshu island, is 1,300 years old for the millions of Japanese people who go there on pilgrimage every year. But in reality this temple complex is completely rebuilt from scratch every 20 years.

I've been there! That was my first exposure to that concept of "replacing all the parts of a thing doesn't make it stop being the same thing". I still find that whole idea really cool.

and then

This religious practice is so alien to Western art historians that, after heated debates, UNESCO removed this Shinto temple from the list of World Heritage sites. For the experts at UNESCO, the shrine is 20 years old at most.

c'mon man -__-

I always did find it weird how like, an incredibly accurate forgery of a painting is worth so much less than the original. It's such a good forgery that you couldn't even tell the difference! It looks just as good!


toasthaste wrote

ok ok ok who do we got, I don't know a lot of shooters

halo man obv, duke nukem dude also unfortunately

I guess someone from CoD? do those games have any memorable characters?

courier from fallout new vegas; i guess the vault person from fallout 3 as well, why not


Time Splitters had... characters? Didn't it have like a dinosaur or something? that.

Gordon McFreeman


Doom Man

Chell? Portal isn't really an fps, she's probably more suited to a smash bros-style game tbh, but. I like Her.

I assume there are characters in Bioshock, so. One of them.

Would you include any tf2 characters? The heavy is the most iconic but idk

Counterstrike and Quake exist but i know literally nothing about them

CRYSIS CYBORG MAN(or maybe it was a cyber-suit idk)

Borderlands friends

Metal's gear solid

one of the deus ex boys. Probably adam jensen cause he's got the cool arms that he never asked for

aaaand I'm pretty sure that's every FPS ever made ever in history!