
toasthaste wrote

y'know that is a good point, knowing up front is a sight better than the just... random nonsense they've been doing. I just really miss being able to watch an episode and then spend a week discussing it, that pace really worked for me, but I get that with such a heavily serialized show they want to lean toward the bomb format


toasthaste OP wrote (edited )

obviously botw link's up + b would be revali's gale + the paraglider but... for his other moves, there's so many options! I don't even think I'd want it based heavily around his uhh sheikah slate abilities, cause I feel like the more mundane stuff you find in the world are more iconic. Like maybe he has a few different melee weapons you can swap between (or HAVE to swap between, like how Robin's sword + magic get weaker if you overuse them, his weapons break and take time to repair. The final hit when they break could even be a lot stronger like in the game!)

actually I could see his final smash being the "time stop" ability thing, that'd be cool. And I do like Magnesis a lot but idk how it could really be applied and Feel Right y'know? OG Link already has the bombs so I feel like I'd want to play around in different territory.

Oh! He could have a shield surfing move, that'd be super cool! What else though...