
toasthaste wrote (edited )

im sort of in a lull on Too Like The Lightning! I got it for christmas (2 copies actually lol oops) and I'm liking it a lot but the way it's paced is not the type of pacing that makes me Need to finish it Now Now Now. I'm enjoying hitting it a bit at a time.

It's a cool sci-fi story with an earth society that is super different from our own but in a lot of interesting ways that are well-justified and well-explained. No one in-universe uses gendered pronouns, but the narrator does when narrating, and then points out that it's weird for them to do that. I like to think that a lot of the genders the narrator assigns are not in-line with our current conceptions of gender, and in fact there's been some evidence that this is the case. I'm not too far in yet though.


toasthaste wrote

I didn't watch any amine for like a decade and then last year i wound up blasting thru a LOT of them but because the backlog is so much i had the freedom to just drop and move on the second they did Too Much Tiddies or whatever bullshit they like to do

in conclusion, gatchaman crowds is super super good, a few other things are ok, and that's all!


toasthaste OP wrote

Reply to comment by Dogmantra in dating is a hell fuck by toasthaste

I'm not sure tbh and I've never seen us both in the same room so?? we might. we might be the same person. I got the Spider Rune last night and I'm so proud of myself, I never beat the Watcher without 3 uses of my estus before! it was a close one but the Frantic Sword, as always, is my babe


toasthaste OP wrote

Reply to comment by Dogmantra in dating is a hell fuck by toasthaste

lol naw it's flattering :P

it's complicated on okc tho cause I don't really understand my attraction matrix re: girls so I just put "questioning" on there and get real stressed out on the rare occasions I get messages from girls. I don't wanna lead anyone on but I also don't wanna miss out on opportunities, y'know? 1-800-brains-are-a-fuck


toasthaste wrote

I dearly want to but a bunch of people I know irl follow me on tungle and something I have long loved about the fempire/just post is that it doesn't overlap with my irl friends. Fills a niche i need :(

I wonder if it would be super weird of me to just like message a bunch of my cool tumblr mutuals about it. They would probably think I got hacked and it was spam but maybe not?????