toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I'm gonna give Pillowfort a try by toasthaste
heck yeck!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by musou in time for a hot take by hollyhoppet
while I don't love having to get new cards for rotating formats, they're the only viable solution to power creep I've ever seen, and for me at least the overall 'feel' is infinitely preferable to that of the eternal, been-solved-for-years formats. (at least in MTG, I never really got into hearthstone).
toasthaste wrote
Reply to time for a hot take by hollyhoppet
booster packs of trading cards are and always have just been loot boxes
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in Tumblr is at risk of an exodus so be my mastodon friend by hollyhoppet
yeah, I've been keeping an eye on pillowfort and I think odds are I'll just hold out for that. Heck, I might even be tempted to toss them the $5 it takes to get into the beta, depending on how fast tumblr disintegrates and whether I can convince myself to just read books instead.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by musou in Tumblr is at risk of an exodus so be my mastodon friend by hollyhoppet
I actively avoid nsfw content on the site myself but this is basically the death knell for tumblr, is the main thing for me. (It was already damaging enough that they were culling blogs, posts, and tags, seemingly at random, but nothing prompts a mass exodus like taking people's porn away.)
toasthaste wrote
How does mastodon's interface/functionality compare to tumblr's? There's a lot of things I like about how tumblr works including
Make any kind of post. Write a huge essay and embed images and videos throughout, no character limits or nothin. When you reblog something, you can add to it, and the version with the addition can itself be reblogged, and added to, etc etc. You can search your own blog by tag, which is SO so useful for organizing the thing. A way to reply to posts that doesn't make it pop up on your blog and make all your followers have to scroll past it. Probably other things? But those are the big ones that come to mind that are real important to me.
toasthaste wrote
toasthaste wrote
this might be my favorite non-meclroy polygon video of all time and that is REALLY SAYING SOMETHING. multiple times i had to pause it so i could die laughing.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by toasthaste in jstpst has a night mode :0 by twovests
Oh I see the custom theme is only applying to the main page. hm.
toasthaste wrote
Reply to jstpst has a night mode :0 by twovests
i like nettle on the main page but it gets too black in posts ah well
toasthaste wrote
"oh no! I've been momentarily inconvenienced" is a good burn
also lol i have no memory at all of r/shibe being shut down did that really happen
toasthaste wrote
Reply to art people this looks cool by voxpoplar
I noticed this a while ago but totally forgot about it! it's weird that you can only buy it on steam, but at least i can put it on my wishlist and not forget about it, this way
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by devtesla in I'm using Vivaldi now it's good by devtesla
Years ago now, I suspect it's much improved, but listen: new firefox SO FAST
toasthaste wrote
Reply to I'm using Vivaldi now it's good by devtesla
i tried to use vivaldi cause i miss tab stacking dearly, but it was always too sluggish for me. new firefox is the fastest browser I have literally ever used so I'm pretty happy with it, even if i do still miss tab stacking like the dickens
toasthaste wrote
Reply to When cartoons are pitched, usually the show runner creates a pitch bible explaining the key ideas, tone, characters and so on. Here's Adventure Time's pitch bible by Moonside
I love this, and I love seeing all the ways things wound up being different for the actual show, or changing as the show went along
toasthaste wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in is this seriously supposed to be a selling point? back in my day you didn't have to worry about your fucking horse falling over in your videogame... by razz
I think about this so often
Like, the water in Sea of Thieves. EVERY game could have water like that, if people would just SHARE instead of forcing each other to do redundant work!
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Toasthaste (and others!) lookit what I got from comic con!!!!!!!!! they're so good!!! by Dogmantra
aaaAAAA!!! YES!
toasthaste wrote
I love Brian David Gilbert so MUCH
more like brian david gil-books am i right
toasthaste wrote
Reply to *sigh* i wish there was a good browser by hollyhoppet
firefox is good now tho
toasthaste wrote
Reply to I'm almost 100% certain the Cardcaptor Sakura animators made that controller look like that to fuck with everyone by hollyhoppet
thats just an n64 controller
toasthaste wrote
Reply to Valve Buys Firewatch Developer Campo Santo by neku
valley of the gods the new indie game storefront by valve
toasthaste wrote
Reply to extremely relatable by hollyhoppet
whomst among us has not done exactly this
toasthaste wrote
i think it's a combination of anniversary and also the website changed? i think some company bought homestuck or something????
i don't homestuck so it has been very distressing
toasthaste OP wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I'm gonna give Pillowfort a try by toasthaste
I think they've been doing it different because of the massive influx. If the current pattern stands I thiiiink I'll get mine on saturday? we'll see!