
toasthaste OP wrote (edited )

you're also gonna want to dig into the wiki, there's a lot of subtle environmental stuff that's easy to miss on your first playthrough of a core bubsy game, but it really helps to fill in the gaps in the story


toasthaste wrote (edited )

oh yeah lmao bojack is EXTREMELY good and so so so important to me

I don't think voltron is very good though, and I'm saying this as someone who is on-and-off obsessed with voltron. it is fun to watch but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say good


toasthaste OP wrote

Reply to Bearmon by toasthaste

also I think I'm gonna try each week to have one digimon of each of the main "ranks" (fresh, in-training, rookie, champion, ultimate, mega) to maximize the variety of detail-levels you can pick from to draw at the end of the week. Like if you wanna participate but just aren't feeling like getting elaborate, there will always be some cute blobby friends to doodle!