
rain wrote

I did. They kindly told me about all the food they have stored away that will be available for looting once the rapture comes. All with the clear implication that I was not going to be among the raptured, but I was welcome to their food once it happened.

It is quite possibly the nicest way anyone has ever told me that I was going to hell.

Just to be clear this isn’t intended to discourage people from talking to their neighbors. That conversation was actually the beginning of a decent neighbor relationship. I also have the sense that these conversations have made both of us feel safer. But it was a little disturbing when it happened and hilarious in retrospect.


rain wrote

A big shout out to you all - you are more than valid, you are awesome and amazing and beautiful. Don’t let the bastards get you down - we were here before them, and we will still be there long after they have been relegated to the dustbin of history.

I love you all


rain wrote

Yes…. Yes it is.

That said it is going about how I expected. The orders were already ready to go. I expect things will slow down briefly in a bit while everyone takes stock. Then the shit will really hit the fan.


rain wrote

Further, throwing away hobbies is not option [..] continuing to make art is an essential part of this

A hundred times this…

If you said, "Look up your local tenants union" or "Get a pistol permit" or "Take a first aid class" or "Put money toward mutual aid rather than toward video games", then that might be something.

…and this

(Though I’m going to interject that while giving money for mutual aid is awesome, spending your time in mutual aid is even cooler)

Not everyone is a front line fighter shock troop, and that’s ok - because other roles are needed too.

I'm also doing some things which aren't exactly illegal but I sure won't be talking about here.


Though in fairness OP did specify this wasn’t aimed at those who are already “doing what you need to do”. Still, keep your security zones siloed. Don’t break operational security, even for relatively minor things.


rain wrote

and were generally cool with people who were weird

Weird people are my people :)

If you had your LiveJournal pre-2012, your posts might have been the very ones which told me I wasn't alone in this

Our account was pre- 2008; we quit when the US operations were sold to SUP. And in general we weren’t talking publicly about plurality at that point so it wouldn’t have been our account anyway.

Which is too bad because that would have been awesome lol


rain wrote

This fits a lot. You also give off "old school Reddit" vibes to me (but only the good parts!!!)

The funny thing about that is I’ve barely touched Reddit. So thank you even if I have no idea what you mean lol

Tangentially, I associate LiveJournal very heavily with my first introductions to other plural (/functional multiple) people

During our livejournal years my headmate was being told by a psych that the rest of us were an apparently benign coping mechanism due to trama. Which would have made lots of sense - if at least a couple of us hadn’t predated the trauma. Which may help explain why I am generally just disgusted with modern psychiatry.


rain wrote

I don’t know where we go from here. Neither does anyone else.

I don’t want to come across as trite, and the author makes some good points overall. But what happens when you fail to prevent the rise of fascism is fascism. The only real uncertainties are in the details, e.g., who is the first to be ground into the dirt. Everyone’s familiar with the “what would you have done when the nazis were in power” question. Well I’m afraid that now we get to see how ourselves, our neighbors, and everyone else we’ve ever known answers that question. And thinking about a lot of the people I’ve known in my life, that prospect terrifies me.

So yes, let’s plan and prepare and steel ourselves for what is to come. Let’s have general strikes (like the author suggests) and more, and when those are violently oppressed let us have riots. Because its not that we don’t know what’s coming - we do, we just still don’t want to admit it.


rain wrote

Reply to ough... by hollyhoppet

Fascists above stomping you down, the crab bucket below pulling you back in. No way out.


rain wrote

Are you hungry or thirsty? Either of these can make your physiology ramp up.

Other than that, I’d recommend to go towards the extremes. Either work yourself tired or meditate until you are still. If you tend to get a lot of exercise normally I would start with meditation, if not get up and move.


rain wrote

I was being goofy.

It’s really hard to estimate with any precision, but there is roughly an order of magnitude more windows desktops than there are servers and routers combined. If you use “trusted” to mean “relied on for” (even if the people doing so feel they shouldn’t be), then I think by the numbers windows is “trusted” more than any non-mobile platform.

But my original comment was still wrong because of mobile, which would make android the most “trusted” OS.

oh well lol