Submitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
leaked picture of robert fripp standing up
matrix.orgSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in just_post (edited )
Webdriver Torso has posted again
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in just_post
"JavaScript is Scheme!!1!!!111!one"
i.redd.itSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (Fripped again)
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in courtofthecopyrightstrike (edited )
King Crimson - In The Court of the Crimson King (1969) [8-Bit full album]
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in courtofthecopyrightstrike
King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King (Fripped)
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in courtofthecopyrightstrike (edited )
King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King (RIP)
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in post_music (edited )
A pie chart of the categories in the repository `boyEstrogen/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books`
coinsh.redSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church (edited )
sTaTiC tYpInG mEaNs No BiGnUmS
i.redd.itSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
metacircular evaluator irl
coinsh.redSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
Tainted Love (not the Soft Cell cover)
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in post_music
Alan Kay at OOPSLA 1997, uncolourised
coinsh.redSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
the powers of not overcomplicating type systems
i.redd.itSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church (edited )
we have CLOS at home
i.redd.itSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in church_of_alonzo_church
quick quick get In The Court of the Crimson King before fripp deletes it again
youtube.comSubmitted by no_defun_allowed in post_music (edited )
no_defun_allowed wrote
Reply to Raddle down with expired certificate by AresUII