do you think there are like juicero lifers out there? are there people who are desperately searching for new ways to get fresh cold pressed juice out of their juiceros since the company went bust
Obviously the response is great but man... the number of incels who come crawling out of the woodwork the minute someone says transgender people exist is just unbearable. These four follower freaks have twitter accounts solely to shout down anyone who doesn't hate minorities as much as they do. Fucking grotesque
theyll send you 15 emails a week asking you to Chip In Fifteen Dollars To Protect Democracy then as soon as you give them money they give it to white supremacists. lol
neku wrote
Reply to cooking tips the elites DO want you to know by hollyhoppet
do you think there are like juicero lifers out there? are there people who are desperately searching for new ways to get fresh cold pressed juice out of their juiceros since the company went bust