
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )

Hey BRYCE? NSString properties are supposed to declared with copy access semantics instead of retain. Since NSMutableString is subclass of NSString, the property could be mutable under the hood!

Also I know I'm going past flexing here and I haven't talked to you in like ten years but FUCK YOU for writing a steam review that says pacific drive has "unnecessary ideological symbols." I'll put a trans pride sticker on my in-game station wagon and be happy the option is there. Consider yourself unfriended.


hollyhoppet OP wrote (edited )

like… think about it. the web is obscenely valuable, and the icann is headquartered in one of the more socially progressive states in the us (california). if america dissolves california will be in an extremely good diplomatic position because its exports will basically be internet regulation and a large portion of the us entertainment industry