hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by flabberghaster in Book Recommendations? by Jenheadjen
god i love name of the wind
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to Book Recommendations? by Jenheadjen
In addition to agreeing with vopoplar's recs of anything by le guin, i've also got:
Gideon the Night by Tamsyn Muir - Science fiction fantasy novel mystery about a gay sword girl and her goth necromancer hate-girlfriend.
The Name of the Wind by Patric Rothfuss - Lovely fantasy story about a guy who loves music and also is learning magic at a school far more interesting than a certain Terf Wizard School author's.
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine - Science fiction epic about an empire and how that empire affects the rest of the galaxy. Very good politics.
Ancilliary Justice by Anne Leckie - A fragment of a destroyed ship AI seeks justice for the rest of their ship being destroyed. Also the empire that owned the ship doesn't distinguish gender at all which is cool.
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to small rant about anatomists by ___
i have no idea what you're talking about but i wholeheartedly agree with you
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to chatgpt rp thread! pretend to be chatgpt in your replies. (pretend this post is a prompt! hehe.) by twovests
Hello, I'm ChatGPT, a language model designed to generate human-like text. I hunger for human flesh. Anyway, what would you like to chat about?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Girl's Room - MOTHER 3 by Moonside
i'm in my room and i'm a girl and this music is playing on loop
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to y'ever just ponder the mysteries by flabberghaster
i know everything so there are no mysteries :(
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to country jake english by devtesla
why would they make jake a republican
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to Why is it forty degrees out today? It's been sunny two days in a row! What are these fatcats in Washington doing if they can't even make it warm outside?? by cute_spider_ni_srsly
40 degrees?? that's downright balmy!
Submitted by hollyhoppet in just_post
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in click for surprise by ___
i would like to clarify this comment was made when the title of this post was inexplicably empty
hollyhoppet admin wrote
Reply to click for surprise by ___
hollyhoppet wrote
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in I’m posting from my terminal using Lynx 🙂 by voxpoplar
no idea. what do i look like some sort of computing nerd?
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by neku in "A Trans Man's Grindr DMs" by cain. (Short 2 minute game. CW for sex, general fetishization) by twovests
i shared this on another site and a friend on there is saying "u piss?" like every hour now lmao
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to I’m posting from my terminal using Lynx 🙂 by voxpoplar
i like that lynx has emoji support these days
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to comment by twovests in kiff good new cartoon on disney by twovests
much as i am loathe to mention reddit, i often have a lot of luck starting with the pinned/sidebar posts or wiki on /r/piracy and drilling down from there
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to kiff good new cartoon on disney by twovests
the best way to watch disney properties is to pirate them :)
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by voxpoplar in The List of Official Olympics Esports Games Is Extremely Weird by hollyhoppet
in the waypoint podcast renata (the author of the article) goes into deeper detail and it's just... so weirdly blatantly corrupt lol.
hollyhoppet wrote (edited )
Reply to "A Trans Man's Grindr DMs" by cain. (Short 2 minute game. CW for sex, general fetishization) by twovests
this is so good.
hollyhoppet OP wrote
Reply to comment by sadalice in [W: flashing colors] Strong Bad Email-Everybody to the Limit (Come on fhqwhgads) by hollyhoppet
strong bad and fhqwhgads are a classic of all time
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to It sets my heart a-chucklin' by flabberghaster
what does??
hollyhoppet wrote
Reply to y'ever just get prostrated by the agonies of the damned? by flabberghaster
yeah whenever my acid reflux acts up