
flabberghaster wrote

Here are my two favorite books:

The Darkness that Comes Before by R Scott Bakker. This one is kind of a doorstopper, it's really long, but I found it very engrossing. It's Fantasy set in a huge world and sort of has a vibe of like... A Song of Ice And Fire in that it's about huge factions vying with each other on a global scale, with some lovecraftian cosmic horror scattered in.

Another one that I always recommend is The Name of the Wind by patrick rothfuss. It's also fantasy, But it's more of an adventure type book.


flabberghaster wrote

Reply to boats city by devtesla

I just watched another video by him where he does his "hot takes" and he goes through union busting talking points.

I know he's a boss, and of course as such he's going to think unions are not needed because he's so cool, but why even bring it up on stream.