
flabberghaster wrote

I think my favorite feature along these lines is splatting.

def draw_circle(x, y, r, line_color="#ff0000", fill_color="#00ff00"):

args = [10, 20, 2]
kwargs = {"line_color": "#0000ff", "fill_color": "#ff0000"}
draw_circle(*args, **kwargs)

it works the other way too. It's such a useful feature!


flabberghaster wrote

A few months ago, i was riding my bike and a person stepped off the curb, causing me to swerve and ultimately my bike to come out from under me in a crash.

As I was laying on the ground the guy came up and put his hand on my back asking if I was ok. It was the first time someone had touched me in like, months, and it was inexplicably nice. Just a concerned person, showing their concern.

Which is not to say, everone go out and touch everyone, but, it was nice and it really struck me.