
emma wrote

Reply to comment by hollyhoppet in I am banned by Moonside

Theory: the IP address seen by Postmill is that of a reverse proxy which sends the actual end user's IP thorugh X-Forwarded-For or similar. However, Postmill/the web server hasn't been configured to use these headers, and the random bans happen because the reverse proxy used in the moment of posting has an IP address with a ban meant for another user.

Also worth noting that users marked as 'trusted' aren't subject to IP ban checks, but explicitly marking everyone as trusted is a pain in the butt of course.


emma wrote

list of gaming crimes:

  1. sonic without shoes
  2. shaved mario
  3. the diving animation in breath of the wild which kills your height when you want to glide and i'm totally not mad about this at all

emma OP wrote

This is probably not the reason. You'd still have to accidentally enter a ban reason, accidentally hit 'ban', then accidentally go to the ban list and accidentally remove my ban to cause what I've been experiencing.

My only guess is the site's setup results in invalid IP addresses being sent to the ban check function, and for some reason it gives a false positive. I can't replicate this locally, though, would have to look more into what Heroku(?) does.


emma wrote

This depends entirely on the definition of 'you'. If your head was severed from your body, which of these counts as 'you'? What if both were 'alive' after the severing? Who is arbitrarily deciding which cells of the body count as one's soul? Why are some cells of your body assigned personality, while others aren't?


emma OP wrote

In the alternate universe where I'm not horribly insecure about my voice, I probably would.

But honestly this is fine. IntelliJ is not light on resources, and I'm only a student for another year, so I had planned on learning a free alternative anyway.