
ellynu wrote

is imessage bad? or is it because you move between android and ios that it becomes a hassle?

and i haven't ever really messed with it because i guess i'm just used to it, but you can install keyboards from the app store, does that still keep the default one there or does it help your use case?

i like the earpods and mine are starting to fail can i have yours


ellynu wrote

I'm gonna be that person who recommends reading Marx because it provides a bit of a different answer than the ones already given. (Plus its the answer I'd give anyways I guess :P)

The Communist Manfiesto is a good introduction. There's Capital. A Critique of Political Economy, (Volume 1 in particular was completed while he was alive) which is a bit large, but its pretty good and still incredibly relevant. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific talks about a distinction made in a lot of Marx and Engels' writing.

These writings use the terms socialism and communism interchangeably (as opposed to some of the other answers here) because of a fundamental difference in perspective. It's one that is talked about in the first and third writing I linked, and somewhat indirectly in the second.


ellynu wrote

"This was, however, also a very, very powerful reason to keep believing it was fake: that the most extraordinarily damaging piece of evidence against the president could just be waiting there, in plain sight, with no one doing anything about it."

hasn't that literally been the modus operandi of the past few years? john oliver even turned it into a joke about how WE GOT EM right?

"The video was first shared on the Something Awful forums on Jan. 26 at around 1 a.m."

lmao that's my birthday nice birthday present for me

point is: its real. its fucking confirmed.


ellynu wrote

it is weird how that dichotomy is because when you look at specific scenes and some shot choices and merchandising the way they treat women is so fucked up but the women in the story are really interesting and complex and an important part of the story to me at least was how they get mistreated (mostly by men). like if the protagonists are shinji and misato, then the biggest people around them story-wise are rei and asuka, and ritsuko and kaji (and the adults/teens reflect each other in neat ways, most noticeably with the protagonists)

evangelion has a lot of problems but it was super impactful on me as a young teenager so it still holds a place in my heart. its just hard for me to ever really recommend it to anyone without some caveats. >.<


ellynu wrote

i really like this bit from an interview itoi did after mother 2 came out:

"Do you have a message for M2 players?"

"Back then, my older sister—who was even more of an amateur—played the game. But lately, girls don’t play games. Nowadays people are starting to think of video games as uncool. People who play pick-up basketball games and rap just don’t play games, you know. At this rate, gaming is going to turn into something limited to nerdy conventions and stuff. So I want the older sisters of the world to come back to playing video games. But kids, on the other hand, I’d rather scold about playing too many video games (laughs). The Famicom is fun, but it’s about at the level of a TV show. When all is said and done, it’s the people who are funny. It’s not like there’s a person out there who is limited to 24 megabits. There are billion-megabit people just idling around. Experiencing outrageous things outside, having adventures—it’s fun because people like that play the Famicom. I’d like to make a game that those people can enjoy."


ellynu wrote

Reply to the dorito by devtesla

everything about this is awful and i can't help but be super annoyed that they put marx and owens together